When I began researching about clean eating there was all this talk about organic fruits and veggies and warnings to stay away from pesticides. Today in my 31 days of Clean Eating, Meal Planning and Prep series I am going to share with you this list called the “dirty dozen” which are the top fruits and veggies with the most pesticides.
Do You Know The Facts About The Dirty Dozen?
According to a report from the Environmental Working Group:
- A single grape sample and a sweet bell pepper sample contained 15 pesticides.
- The average potato had more pesticides by weight than any other produce.
- Single samples of cherry tomatoes, nectarines, peaches, imported snap peas and strawberries showed 13 different pesticides apiece.

My son Tristan loves apples to the point he will eat at least four pounds of them or more a week. Knowing this prompted me to look more into the dirty dozen as I know his body is already super sensitive to gluten, MSG, high fructose corn syrup and dyes, so why not pesticides.

Having the dirty dozen list helped me feel more informed about the food I was buying at the grocery story and feeding my family. I know many of you are probably like my family and cannot afford all organic so we try to buy as much organic as possible from this list. The key is to do your best and choose wisely.