Cold and flu season is upon us and with kids back in school the chances are higher that your child is going to get sick. Going to school and getting sick is a part of growing up, but as a parent I wanted to know “How sick is too sick for school?“
Official Guidelines on when children are too sick for school
I decided to ask my pediatrician and a friend who was a school nurse because I figured they would know. When talking to my pediatrician she said there were no fast and hard guidelines for how sick is to sick, but they both gave me some basic guidelines to go by when your kid gets sick.
When it comes to temperature 100 degrees or above is considered to high to go to school and your child should be kept home. They also need to be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Vomiting and Diarrhea
If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea they should not be in school. Your child needs to be vomiting and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school. Obviously if they’re vomiting they’re too sick for school!!!
Head Lice and Nits
Awe the nightmares of most mother’s is their child getting head lice and bringing it home. Yes I shivered writing this. Your child should not come to school if they have nits or head lice. All eggs and nits, must be removed and their first treatment must be done before they can go back to school.

Bad Colds and Coughs
This is when you have a cough that lasts for longer than 4 to 5 days or there is trouble with breathing, you should keep your child home and even possibly go see their doctor.
Pink Eye
If your child has goopy colored eye discharge you need to take your child to their doctor and they must be on anti-biotics at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Strep Throat
Strep Throat is when your throat becomes extremely sore and red with little white patches. Your child can have a fever, swelling, body aches, and rash. Your child must be on antibiotics over 24 hours before they can return to school.
If your child has a rash and it is not bothering them or causing any other symptoms then it is most likely okay to send your child to school.
Sore Throats and Mild Colds
A minor sore throat may be the cause of a virus or cold and should not be a problem. Mild colds present no fever and cough is not continuous so your child can come to school.
As I mentioned above there are no hard and fast guidelines, but these are a few of the most common reasons your child should not attend school.
If in doubt it is okay to keep your children home and let them rest. You know your child better than anyone and I know as a mom I want my babies healthy.
When it comes to deciding if your child is too sick for school – ultimately – its up to you.