- Jimmy Carter was President the year I was born.
- I am the middle child
- I have seven sisters my oldest is 18 years older than me and my youngest is 15 years younger!
- I competed in Miss Teen Nevada USA when I was 15 and Miss Teen USA Montana when 17 – lost both times, but learned how to walk in high heels and how to carry myself as a lady.
- I was class president in high school my junior year and yes I was/am an overachiever
- I worked for Wendy’s and Arby’s in my teen years and it is hard work so be nice to fast food workers.
- I attended five colleges and universities until I finally graduated from The University of Southern Maine.
- I bite my nails – they are long now, but it is an issue I struggle with since the age of four.
- I do not like to exercise, but I try to so I can stay around to see my kids get old.
- I married young, but knew from a very young age that is what I wanted to do.
- I am terrified of needles
- I am hypothyroid – I found out when trying to get pregnant with my son Tristan
- I did not get my ears pierced until I was 32 because I was scared.
- I had my last baby at home – yes it was planned!
- I love to cook and bake, but time is an issue.
- I like to mow my lawn because no one bothers me when I do it.
- I love cats, and can leave dogs.
- I love getting dressed up in fancy ball gowns and pretend to be Cinderella.
- I cloth diaper not to save money, but because my kids have sensitive butts.
- I have suffered from postpartum depression after all my babies (plan to write about this)
- I cried when I turned 25, but today I say BRING IT!
- I love to sing and recently joined a church and I am involved in their music.
- I love to experiment in my kitchen and with cleaning projects in my home.
- I am gluten free for my son and changing how we eat more and more.
- I am a perfectionist to a fault
- I have a hard time asking for help
- I recently started counseling because we all need a little help sometimes.
- I HATE keeping house I am horrible at it.
- I love playing with my kids.
- I love to sleep, but do not get much of it anymore.
- I pierced my nose a week ago for my birthday my family was shocked and to be honest so was I.
- I am Christian
- I am a mother to three beautiful kiddos and to two four legged kitties too.
- I love soaking in my big bathtub
- I wish I could have a hot stone massage everyday.
WOW that is a lot of stuff about me – I had to really think to come up with 35 items, but I hope it helps you get to know me a bit better. Thank you for your support of my outlet and I pray you have a blessed holiday season with your families.
Happy Holidays,