A Purrr-fect Solution . . . A DIY Low Track Litter Box
In the past, I tried all different kinds of cat boxes—from the most basic box to even the dome type. Years ago, however, I created my own DIY litter box enclosure that is both inexpensive and easy!
I am a cat lover. I currently have four beautiful cats, but I absolutely detest the litters. I’ve struggled for years with that messy contraption!
I couldn’t figure out how to not only keep the litter where it belongs, but also keep the kitties from tracking the mess further.
As a bonus, it also diminishes the smell and keeps the litter from being tracked around the house!
I know, I know. It sounds too good to be true, but you’ll just have to try it for yourself!
Materials Needed for a DIY Cat Litter Box Enclosure
18-gallon tote (or larger) with lid
medium-sized dinner plate
Sharpie marker (or equivalent)
box cutter (or just a sharp knife)
Cost: Roughly $9 per box. No messy litter box: Priceless!
Instructions for a DIY Litter Box Enclosure:
Step 1: Place the lid on the tote and put the plate on one end of the lid.
Take your Sharpie marker and trace around the plate to create a circle template on the lid.
After Step 2, this circle becomes the opening for your cat to crawl in and out of the tote.

Step 2: Take the box cutter and carefully cut out the circle template.
Step 3: Once the hole is cut, remove the lid and fill the tote with cat litter to desired level.
Place the lid back on the tote—and you’re done!

It’s that easy!
The tote won’t leak, and nearly all of the tracked litter is captured on top of the lid! Plus, the tote is super easy to clean out.
Because it’s not like a food container, you don’t have to worry about whatever cleaning solution you chose.
You can use something harsh or homemade—whatever gets the job done—without worrying over dirty leaks or plastic leaching.
If you have more than one cat, you can either get separate totes or buy a bigger tote.
A large home may require multiple totes just to be sure your kitties have more than one option when nature calls.
And, if you have a dog—well, you’ll see just how great this tote’s cat-only entrance comes in handy with sneaky Fido around.
Closing Thoughts
I have used my DIY litter box enclosure for years now, and it really keeps the litter where it should be. I honestly don’t know how I managed so long without this.
Think of all the precious time and energy I spent being frustrated by the messes left behind by my furry love.
Not to mention, how irritating it was to spend money on useless litter boxes that never lived up to their claims.
I only wish I had known about this solution sooner. I could have saved myself so much hassle.
That’s why I’m sharing this option with you. You’ve got enough to deal with already! You don’t need the added aggravation of scattered messes.
Sometimes, that can be just enough to send you overboard. Trust me, I know!

Why don’t you give this inexpensive and easy solution to cat litter messes a try?
Once you make a DIY litter box enclosure, come back here and share your experience in the comments below!