Every Easter, I have a lot of plastic Easter eggs lying around creating a cluttered mess in my home. Rather than throw the eggs away or recycle them my kids and I created an Easter egg wind chime craft that was easy and cute.
What you need to get started:
- Plastic Easter eggs: Get the ones with little holes on the top and bottom or you will have to put holes on the top and bottom of your eggs with a drill and tiny drill bit.
- Colorful Beads
- String: I used a plastic kind commonly used to make jewelry.
- Scissors
All these products are found at your local Walmart or craft store.
Cut your plastic string to a desired length and tie a knot at one end to keep your beads and eggs from falling off. Then put as many colorful beads as you want at the end to start your wind chime. Take one half of an egg and string it on your line, and make sure the inside of the egg faces downward to create the look of a bell. Add as many beads as you want and then add another egg, but this time add both pieces of the egg. Once both pieces of the egg are on the string, snap them together and add more beading and another egg. Repeat this until you get about three inches from the end of your string so to give you enough room to tie off a knot at the end and create a hook to hang your wind chime.
The indoor egg wind chime is cute and uses up a lot of my left-over Easter eggs and I hope you have fun making a chime with your kids too.