Today in my 31 days of clean eating, meal planning, and meal prep series I’m going to share with you how you to get your family to eat healthy without too much fuss.
Society has brainwashed us into thinking what healthy food is, but most times it is processed, full of dyes, and additives we can’t even pronounce. Trying to switch over from processed foods to eating healthy and clean is not always easy, and many times it creates fights in a family. Here are some of my suggestions t o change that.
Make Meal Times Fun
Here are several tips on how I was able to go from completely processed, every meal cooked either frozen or out of a can and package, to mostly organic, and completely gluten-free due to allergy sensitivities.
Communicate With Your Family
The first tip is to communicate. Sit down with your family and talk about why you believe the family needs to eat cleaner. This is not something to point fingers or to make people feel bad about their food choices, but to let all people have a part in the discussion. When I did this with my husband he was very resistant, but give it time.
Take Baby Steps
When starting to eat clean don’t go for broke because if you do, you will get overwhelmed and stop before you have even started. When I began this journey I focused on one thing at a time and slowly changed the way we ate. I still keep tweaking even five years later what I feed my family.
Be A Role Model
If after communicating with your family there is still resistance start with you and what you bring into your home. Showing your family that you can eat healthy and if you can do it they can too.

Eat As A Family
Make dinner time family time, a time when you learn about each others days while you give your family a healthy meal. This not only builds connection, but also makes meal time more positive.
Don’t Buy Junk
Another way to get your family to eat healthier is to not buy the processed or junk food. If it is not in the house there is less chance you will eat it. Not having their favorite sugar laden cereal might upset them, but get healthier alternatives.
Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand
When starting a clean eating diet it does not mean you can never have a treat, but what it does is you stock your pantry with healthier alternatives for your family. We still keep the occasional chocolate treat, but only use those for special occasions.
Get Creative
I have learned how to sneak a lot of vegetables into my family’s diet by making healthy soups, meat loaf filled with veggies, and use seasonings instead of cheese to add flavor.
Make Meal Planning and Prep a Family Affair
When planning meals get your kids involved I tend to do this with my husband and kids. Many Sundays I have my kids take turns helping me meal prep for the week ahead by cutting up veggies, boiling eggs and peeling them, and soaking grains.
Limit Eating Out
While eating out can be a great way to celebrate a birthday or taking a night off cooking make sure you do not do it all the time. No matter where you eat out, it is never as healthy as what you can cook at home. Use eating out as a treat like our family does.
Shop At Farmer’s Markets or Healthier Grocery Stores
If you take the time to find out where the healthiest grocery stores are then you will be more likely to buy better nutritious foods for your family. I know when I started out I quit going to our local grocery store down the street and went to the larger town across the river to a store that had many more healthy food options.

When getting your family to eat healthy known that it takes time, there will be many meals that flop, but the key is to know that you are doing better for your family’s health in the long run.
Tomorrow, I am going to share with you my printable meal planner that you can use to get your family eating right and cut the stress out of your week.