It is spring cleaning week here on Inspired-Housewife and I joined iDreamofClean and 9 other bloggers in the Spring Cleaning Challenge for a chance to win some incredible prizes! You can join the fun too. Click the above link for more details soon, because contest ends April 5th.
On Monday I blogged about how I came up with an inexpensive cubicle idea to store my shoes and added in a bin to stash my papers to be filed. Tuesday I tackled my builder grade bathroom with no drawers or storage using two great solutions a door hanging shoe rack and a stackable set of containers, spending less than $30 to totally transform my bathroom storage needs.
Today, I will talk about my kids’ closets, which are a catch-all for toys, outgrown clothing, books, blankets, and stuffed animals. My children’s closets are good-sized, and they have a nice hanging bar and a shelf, but I decided they needed some spring cleaning too!
I proceeded to go through their clothes, and purged the outgrown items, and put them into a rubber tote marked with the size, so they were ready for storage in my basement. Next, I went through the books to make sure I still wanted to keep them, and I stored those books too advanced for my kids.
The stuffed animals were separated into two groups favorites and donate. The stuffed animals kept were put into a round plastic red tub and a corner pet net. You could also use a pet net like the one I now use for my cloth diaper storage if you do not have a useable corner.
As for the toys, dolls, and dress up clothes, I previously used a green square bin in which to house them, but it was too easy for my kids to dump them out and not put back. So, I purchased an inexpensive Sterilite plastic three drawer container so that one drawer held Keira’s dolls, another drawer held her dress up clothes, and the last drawer held the clothes to her dolls. The plastic drawer system clears the closet floor in my daughter’s room, and give her a designated place to store her stuff after she plays.
Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of my kids’ closets, and their rooms should stay cleaner because of it. It did not cost much money. I purchased the pet net on eBay for less than $15, and the set of drawers I purchased at Walmart for less than $20. These two items will save me time, and also help my children take better care of their items. Come back tomorrow for a real treat that you and your kids will love. My kitchen and pantry are still a work in progress, but I will post about those two areas soon.
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