I have never been fired by anyone or from anything in my life until this past month. A few weeks ago, I received a letter in the mail from my older two children’s pediatrician. In the letter it stated if I did not bring my children up to date in their vaccinations and start vaccinating on The Maryland Healthy Kids Program Schedule they would no longer take care of my children’s medical needs. Yes my very own pediatrician fired me!
I am not the only parent in my area to receive such a letter and have to start the process of finding a new pediatric group who respects my choices as a parent.
My youngest daughter’s pediatrician who is home birth friendly and also known to be non-vaccination and delayed or selective vaccination friendly is even changing her vaccination policies due to state audits and pressure. If you delay or selectively vaccinate your child, she now makes you sign a vaccination form created by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that states I knowingly put my child and others in danger by not vaccinating or delay/selectively vaccinating. As a parent I refuse to sign such a legal document as I disagree with that statement. The form only protects the doctor’s bottom end and not mine as the parent.
I worry about the state of pediatric medial care in my given area. It appears pediatric groups feel the sudden need to flex their medical muscles. I have major issues with this because the people they are firing are NOT only parents who choose not to vaccinate, but they are firing parents who either do a delayed schedule like the Dr. Sears vaccine schedule or those who do not start vaccines until a child is one or two years of age.
This is not a vaccine issue, this is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue. We as parents should have the choice of what is injected or put into our children’s bodies and also when it is injected or given. I personally believe there are too many vaccines given to babies and small young children. I have never felt comfortable giving more than a couple shots at a time to any of my children. It is ludicrous to tell me to give my children EVERY shot they are not caught up on in one shot or you will NOT take care of my children when sick. This is outright bullying and common sense is thrown out the window. According to the suggested vaccine schedule, my daughter Keira is several vaccines behind and there is no way I would inject all vaccines at one time to allow her to remain a patient with her doctor. It is not safe!
I am not saying you should not vaccinate your child because that is a personal choice only a parent can make, but when a “suggested” mandate is being tossed around like it is the law, I have a problem with it. Our rights as parents and individuals are in question and this causes me great stress and it should you too!
I have to question the state of medical affairs in my given state. What is going on behind the scenes that makes it harder and harder for parents like me, who do not follow the recommended schedule and delay or not vaccinate at all, to find a pediatrician who will care for my child? Will there be children out there with no “primary care physician” simply because I refuse to sign a legal document that says I am endangering others and my children?
We should have choices to treat our children medically as we see fit and the pediatrician group who fired me I say “You just lost a patient!”. I refuse to be bullied!
Want more information on what signing that form really means?
Here is a form I have no issue with signing: M.O.M. Forms
Is this medical bullying happening in your area too?