When I was a kid my dad would take me and my sisters up to the mountains to go sledding. It was a blast whipping down the mountain side in our bright red and blue sleds. I love snow and for me snow is not just for making snowmen, throwing snowballs, or sledding. Snow is for ice cream too!
Simple Ingredients for Lots of Fun
Yesterday, we had a small blizzard here where we live, and what better way to celebrate the snow day than to teach you how to make snow ice cream.
My kids were so excited to try snow ice cream and one of my favorite flavors is chocolate.
It was fun to see the excitement from my children as they helped me put the snow into the bowl and mix the ingredients.
Its not just how to make snow ice cream that is important, it is how to create lasting memories with each of your children as well.
Snow ice cream is good for only about a day or so. It is not like other ice creams that will store for much longer times.

How to Make Snow Ice Cream
- One packet of powdered vanilla or chocolate pudding mix. You can also use hot chocolate powder mix too
- Sprinkles or crushed up chocolate chips
- Get a large bowl and find an area of clean white snow to fill your bowl.
- Take your powdered vanilla or chocolate or whatever flavor you have on hand and mix it in with your snow. The amount used will depend on how much snow you have.
- Mix thoroughly and then add sprinkles or crushed chocolate chips to the snow.
- Serve immediately, because it will melt faster than real ice cream