Today in my 31 Days of Clean Eating, Meal Planning and Prep series I want to talk about why our bodies need water.
Water is a huge part of a clean eating journey and we could not live without it.
I have to admit I am not a fan of drinking water. I have to really think about drinking it or I will go hours without it until my body is sending the signal it is thirsty.
Water Makes Life on Earth Possible
Here are some ways that water helps your body:
Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids.
Water can help control calories.
Water helps energize muscles.
Water helps keep skin looking good.
Water helps your kidneys.
Water helps maintain normal bowel function.
Water fun facts:
Fact 1 Water makes up approximately 70% of a human’s body weight – but DON’T stop drinking water to lose weight!
Fact 2 Approximately 80% of your brain tissue is made of water (about the same percentage of water found in a living tree – maybe is this why people hit their heads and say “knock on wood”?).
Fact 3 The average amount of water you need per day is about 3 liters (13 cups) for men and 2.2 liters (9 cups) for women.
Fact 4 By the time you feel thirsty, your body has lost more than 1 percent of its total water – so let’s not feel thirst. Take a break right now and have a glass of water. We will wait on you to get back for Fact 5.
Fact 5 Refreshed? Let’s continue. Drinking water can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism, which helps burn calories faster.
Fact 6 The average person could live without food for nearly a month, but we could only survive about one week without water—that’s how essential water is to human life. Some of us can’t go a day without coffee, but that’s a different story.
Fact 7 Good hydration can prevent arthritis. With plenty of water in your body, there is less friction in your joints, thus less chance of developing arthritis.

When in doubt drink water you can always use some and it is a healthy part of a clean eating diet.
Tomorrow I will share with you my favorite water app to get you drinking enough water, plus you can have competitions with your friends and make drinking water fun.